Sorry to my readers, we didn’t managed to visit the new Uniqlo outlet at Somerset313 as it was extremely crowded over there. So, since the opening celebration offers applies to all Uniqlo outlets, therefore we went to the nearest one at ION Orchard. The place was crowded as well but at least there’s still enough room for movement and queing up for the fitting room and payment wasn’t very long too 🙂 Afterall i think we’ll smart 😛 haha ~managed to bought a pair of jeans and a hoodie at a total of $28 ONLY~! isn’t that CHEAP~!!! Woo lala~~ 😀
After our mini shopping spree at uniqlo, we went for dinner at xin wang hong kong cafe as i’m having a crave for their spicy pork dice dry noodle.. but in the end, i ordered the spicy pork dice rice instead as we’re all too hungry! 😀
Photo time! 😀
trying out a BIG HEAD Shot 😛