haha.. time to update le.. if not i wonder how long i’ll drag to post again haha..
hmm was on off on wednesday. woke up as usual in the morning.. left home ard 1-2+ to meet rac at jac’s house..
wow.. the three doggie damm 热情… the moment they saw m, they barked like nobody business.. haha.. one of them even try to bite me.. OMG =( haha
was suppose to help rac in frying some stuff but in the end we didn’t as we’re afraid there’ll be too much food.
so i was like doing nothing there waiting for her to pack her stuff.. hahaha
we left jac house at ard 3+ and headed towards the chalet. poor dia and pw, they gotta carry all the stuff to the chalet as no one was there to help.. haha
when we reached, we helped to carry the remaining stuff.
at ard 5-6+, me, cindy and dia went over to my ah kim house to collect the fried rice and bee hoon.. then 顺便 drop by at my house as i wanna get a shorts to change at night when sleeping. when we reached back the chalet, it was ard 7 le.. we’re all so hungry lor .. haha.
we waited to almost 8 then we start eating haha.. cos we’re waiting for her relatives to arrive..
wow.. alot of food lor.. but din eat much.. busy bbqing haha..
the fried rice and bee hoon was emptied with no leftover.. wanna get a second round also cannot lo.. haha
ard 9+, we sang the birthday songs and cut the cake.. the cake was yummy.. hehe
was planning on our night activities but in the end we din go anywhere haha.. we played mahjong ! cool.. ard 4am then we went to bed..
slept till the next day 10+. went for breakfast, then to the arcade.. we played till ard 3+ before heading back home..
here’s some of the pics i habe with me as it was taken using my cam phone.. the rest with dia.. so expect more to come soon =D
today, woke up at 7am.. went to the market at my mum’s workplace for breakfast.. and we saw the 创业无敌手shooting in the market.. they’re selling fish and we saw 刘玲玲 and NAT Ho. haha..
we stayed there for awhile then my mum went for work while i come back home to 拜拜, cos today’s 初一.