this is a extremely overdue post. It all happened in early april and i only managed to post it one month later! LOL~
Went for steamboat session with my bbfs at the turf city and it’s my first time there. Quite alot of varieties of food to choose from but somehow i find some of the food not very fresh leh.. and heard from my friends that in the past, ice cream are free, but now u need to pay for the ice cream! NOT INCLUDED IN THE BUFFET ANYMORE!!! ARghh~~~ 🙁
Notice something?!!!
Pei wen and Diana are wearing the same clothes!! and their high heels are the same as well! just that different in colour. Both of them bought it at out recent trip to kuala lumpur.. so funny, look like some kind of band or group sia..
After steamboat, we decided to go some place and chill. so we went over to the henderson bridge! and we took quite a few “to me quite nice” photos! 😀
that’s all for this entry.. ok i’m going to end this post abruptly 😛