Finally at last, got to try out and visit this, i would say rather nice and chilling dining cafe by the name of 15 mins, located at lasalle art school 😉
It was really a very last minute plan for a surprise celebration for the taurus babies in my bbfs as we just got back from bali not long ago, and we didn’t have much time with the planning. SO.. i decided to plan on and given a short period of time (1 day plus) to plan.. we manged to come out with something. JUST THAT… too bad.. the surprise failed eventually hahaa. my bbfs are all too smart le la~!
okok.. enough of my long story… Now, let me show you what’s we’ve ordered there 😉
Caesar salad with chicken in a jar…
and u need to shake it to mix it well 🙂
MUST order this!!! Oriental Duck Pizza!!! so nice that we ordered 2 lo!
Happily enjoying the food 😉
Sambal Chicken Chop with Rice
extremely large serving of fish and chips~
the taurus babies…
spot the similarity in these 5 iphones! ( iphone is not a answer ok~ ) try try and spot it!! 😀
a group pic before we proceed to the next location to chill 🙂 (the colors we are wearing so vibrant lo~)
Guess where we head to after dinner?
East Coast Park! 😉 went over to the mac donald to chill awhile before going for some pool session and some FUN car driving along east coast park hunting for some ermmz…. if you know what im referring to 😛
and ended our night real late… reached back home at almost 4am hahaha~ 😀 but its been so long since we last hanged out till tat late le lo~ always enjoyed the time spent together 😉