Ok, Meet up with jac, pei wen on tuesday to for a mini shopping spree.. main purpose was to purchase some stuff from Pedro with my $70 vouchers given by my AMBLove for my last year birthday ;D At last, managed to get one and i kinda like it too 😀 and with the vouchers, i only need to top up another $3 :D. next, we went over to cotton on and i got myself 2 plain tees for $25 and to uniqlo where i bought a tank top there. 😀
After meeting up with wai meng, we went for dinner at far east, pontian wanton mee.. and i started drawing on the table 😀
- 达浪and宝珠姐 !! 😀
Ordered a bubble tea outside far east while waiting for rachel to arrive and something funny happened.
我 : 我要 green apple green tea.
店员 : 没有mini pearl 了。。
我 :什么?
店员 : 没有mini pearl 了。。 (In a unpleasant and frustrated tone..)
我 : 哦 。。 ok..
店员 : 我是说你要的mini pearl 没有货了!!! (In a extremely 不爽tone)
我 : 可是我没有要mini pearl 啊?!!! 我要的是green apple green tea… !!!
haha.. now she’s really paiseh and quickly prepare the drink and collect the money from me..
i was like WTH!! and we’re all laughing non-stop on this.. hahahahaha~~~
After rachel arrived, we went to this korea cafe to chill 😀
- muffins from the korea cafe at far east.
and trying on the spec from peiwen which makes my eyes look extremely small and ugly !!! ahahaha..
ok.. i’m going to end this post in a very abruptly way now.. haha.. and conclude this post with :
我真的没有要MINI PEARLS!!!