June Holidays is approaching soon, are you looking for singapore part time jobs to earn some extra income this holiday? Or are you looking for internship in singapore? Try searching for them on! is a online search portal where you are able to search for part-time jobs in Singapore, internship or even full-time jobs as well.
I still remember my first part-time job was at this restaurant in town and it was a very unique experience for me. Instead of just slacking your way through your long holidays, why not go get a part-time job, pick up a skill and earn some extra income? You never know, you might get hired by the company if your performance if good for a full time offer after you’ve graduate!
The search engine is clear and easy to navigate. Simply click on the categories you are looking for, from Full-time, part-time, internship and even freelance as well!
If you are looking for a singapore internship opportunity, or part time jobs for students, sign up for a “Jobseeker” account, and for companies/recruiters, sign up for a “Employer/Recruiter” account with
Other than serving as a job listing portal, you can get informative tips to aid you with your career. You can learn how to write a cover letter, what to prepare for your interview and how to better present yourself so you stand a higher chance in getting the job you want!
Visit today and wish you luck in getting the right job this holiday!