Singapore Flyer, A Moving Experience at Every Turn
Alright, finally i'm done with the uploading of pics and videos for my ride on the singapore flyer... Just to...
Alright, finally i'm done with the uploading of pics and videos for my ride on the singapore flyer... Just to...
Sorry guyz, i'll have to delayed my post on the singapore flyer rides to tomorrow as i'm not done with...
An inspiration strucked me the other day and i did up this advertisment poster for the Singapore Blog Awards.. was...
BBQ session once again~ woke up rather early in the morning.. left home at ard 11.45am and took a bus...
大家看到我这张照片里是不是看起来很累呢? 我确实是很累。。。 也不知道为什么。。。 或许我真的需要好好的休息吧! 今天我们的CSM请我们到外用餐。。。 午餐可真是丰富啊! 一大盘子,装满了叉烧, 烧肉,烧鸡以及卤蛋。。。加上一盘鸡饭和一杯甘蔗水,你说能不饱吗? 快撑死我了。。。 哈哈 今天也比一般时间早了点回家。 5点钟就“放人”了。。。 回到家里,吃完晚饭后便开始制作张生日小卡片。。。 是为了我阿姨而作的。。 她的生日就快到了。。。 做完了卡片后,也设计了一张为了omy “新加坡部落格大奖” 宣传的海报。。。 大家觉得如何能? 期待着明天与后援会的朋友们见面,...
alright, was on duty on friday.. the very first duty after i came back from tw.. in the morning, just...