Bonding Session!
Woo..bonding time~ Celebrate Hebe's birthday at mac donald. Dinner at Swensen. Oliva Rehersal @ Vivo for MyPaper Executive finals. Oliva ...
Woo..bonding time~ Celebrate Hebe's birthday at mac donald. Dinner at Swensen. Oliva Rehersal @ Vivo for MyPaper Executive finals. Oliva ...
Its 23rd of the 1st month of 2009 and it's my mum's birthday ! Wishes her good luck, stay happy, ...
上个周末, 和我们后援会East District 的会员们举办了一个mini district dinner. 当天一共来了14位会员,以及一些committee members. 有些则无法前来 我们在Marina Square 的 Waraku 定了个小房间, 可容纳大约20人左右。挺不错的。很适合举办一个mini gathering. 大家都还蛮准时的。我们约好了6点钟在marina sq会合,在到waraku用餐。 大家可花了好一段时间来选择餐点,因为有太多好吃的啦~ 在等待食物的当儿,我们做了个简短的自我介绍,说说自己现在的状况,喜欢S.H.E里的那位成员,兴趣等等, ...
Wooo.. really extremely sorry abt it.. I've not been able to do any updating as i'm just soooooo busy with ...