During this Circuit Breaker period in Singapore, most of the Singaporeans are turning into MasterChef, baking cakes and breads, whipping up their daily meals with new and innovative recipe so as to stay alive and to kill time. Also, this is a good time for you to try out things that you’ve always wanted to do too.
So, I decided to start off with something simple by making Cong You Bing 台式葱油饼 for breakfast. Cong You Bing is a popular street food in Taiwan, and you can have it as a snack, or as a proper meal as well.
The most common ingredient used in Cong You Bing are egg and ham, so here are the ingredients you need to get started!

- 3 x eggs
- Ham or Bacon (up to the individual)
- Cong You Bing
- Oil
- Pepper
- Sesame Oil
- Soya Sauce
I purchased my Cong You Bing from the supermarket and there are a few brands out there that you can choose from. I randomly pick one, since it’s my first time doing it and it’s surprisingly good.
As for the fillings in the Cong You Bing, you can choose what you like to put in it, but for our first try, I shall just stick with the ham and egg.
Heat up the pan and pan fried the ham till the edges turned crispy.

Place the Cong You Bing on the pan and flip over to ensure that both sides are well cooked.

Add in a bit of sesame oil, pepper and soya sauce into the egg and beat to mix well.
Remove the Cong You Bing from the pan, pour in the egg into the center of the pan, before covering it with the Cong You Bing. Gently press the Cong You Bing down so that the egg will stick onto the skin.
Next, flip it over and add in the fillings.

Slowly roll the Cong You Bing up, and it’s ready to be served.

It’s a very simple dish and it’s very easy to make. You can eat if with some chili sauce if you like too. That was quite a satisfying breakfast for me and I hope this simple step-by-step cooking recipe will come in useful for you while you stay home during this circuit breaker period. So, what shall I cook next?