Soup is a deep-routed Chinese food traditions well liked by the locals of all ages, in particular to the Cantonese who are famous for “slow-fire” soups. Rich in health benefits, traditional Chinese soups are made from fresh vegetables, lean meats or fish with the use of herbal ingredients that enhances the health-benefiting function of the soup. Chinese soups are also known for being low in fat, calorie and sodium.
Started by Alastair Chan, whom left a stable paying job in the banking industry after graduating from university to pursue his passion in food. This strong passion of his stemmed from his parents as his dad was a chef and he often helped his mom at her Tzer Char food stall when he was growing up.
When it comes to the ingredients used in his soup, Alastair is strict on no MSG or stock powder as a reflection of his Cantonese heritage that extracts the essence and natural flavours from the ingredients itself through long hours of boiling. After many attempt of crafting and tweaking from recipes passed down from his relatives, the soups at Soup Living uses old hen with its skin removed for a less oily soup and when combined with quality herbs, it results in soups that are both original and healthy.

A bowl of healthy-to-go soups from Soup Living starts from $6 with two options to add-on-sets at $2.50 which include a bowl of Fluffy Japanese Rice or two pieces of Siew Mai and a drink; or at $3 for a bowl of Fluffy Japanese Rice and two options of Siew Mai. Brown rice are available and do remember to try out the homemade chilli sauce with the Siew Mai!

Soup Living
#B2-22, Tangjong Pagar Centre,
7 Wallich Street, Singapore 078884
Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday : 11:00am – 8:00pm
Saturday : 11:00am – 4:00pm
Sunday : Closed