Met up with shi hui in the afternoon at sunshine plaza to print her album.. finally done with her album...
Wasn't feeling well since yesterday afternoon. wanted to report sick in camp but both the MO wasn't around.. so thanks...
实在不好意思,让大家旧等啦。。 大家期待已久的《Hebe新加坡微笑之旅》Part 2 来咯~!在这里,你们可以看到的是一些本人,后援会以及omy团队所带给大家的独家影片哦! 日期打错了。。 哈哈, 应该是6月而不是7月哦~! 开始~! 看完了,HEBE是不是很可爱啊~?哈哈哈。。。。 希望大家会喜欢咯~!
A nice song to recommend to you guyz.. i'm kinda addicted to the melody of this song and the lyrics...
恭喜恭喜!!!在大家踊跃的支持与投票下,S.H.E成功荣获了omy新加坡部落格大奖之“最佳海外名人红格大奖”第一名的荣衔! 在这里要非常感谢大家!谢谢你们啦~!!!! Congrats to our beloved S.H.E for winning the "Best Overseas Celebrity Blog Award"~! Thanks for the support and...