A Mini Farewell for the Interns
It's been more than one and a half month working at omy and interns are leaving one by one.. firstly...
It's been more than one and a half month working at omy and interns are leaving one by one.. firstly...
S.H.E Ambience 梦幻天堂 新加坡后援会omy部落格为了庆祝S.H.E成军7周年以及即将发行的新专辑《MY FM S.H.E 我的电台》,重新改造,要给大家一个焕然一新的部落格。希望大家会喜欢哦! 想知道更多有关S.H.E的消息就要锁定我们的部落格! 还有, 大家可不要忘了为S.H.E入微新加坡金曲奖, 最受欢迎团体投票哦!截至日期是9月21日,11:59pm. 一个IP只能投5次。所以不要忘了在办公室,图书馆,朋友的家,只要有internet的地方就投一次吧! 哈哈哈~ *你也不是宇宙小姐, 何必非要三头六臂。。。啦 啦 啦~~~*
For the past weekends, we had our S.H.E Ambience Recruitment Drive at marina square. We'll still be there on the...
Right after i went back to collect my pink I/C on last friday, i went back to office and prepare...
okok, i know its kinda late to post this now as i've officially ORD on the 5th sept 2008 last...
Omg, i'm so sorry for not posting the past few days as i've so much events to attend haha.. i...