S.H.E Ambience Recruitment drive & A night out with Amblove
Met up early with some of the amblove for a mini shopping spree at somerset 313 and i'm very glad...
Met up early with some of the amblove for a mini shopping spree at somerset 313 and i'm very glad...
It's great to have a bunch of buddies to meet up with after one day of work in the office....
Notice this cafe whenever i passed by that area buy didn't get a chance to try it out. So, finally,...
This post is specially dedicated to my bbf, Rachel, whereby her birthday falls on the 8th nov, which is today!...
10月28日,我们见 证了大家的爱心。在最短的时间里,我们筹备了这项活动,《1000只纸鹤为Selina祈福》,但没想到竟让获得各大媒体的关注, 帮我们推广这项活动,并前来采访。我们也非常感谢Heeren的Mac Donald 愿意为我们提供场地。原本我们还担心无法筹集到1000只纸鹤,不过我们的担心是多余的,因为大家都充满了爱!人潮不断的涌进,看见大家手里拿着为 Selina祈福的纸鹤以及卡片,我们都非常的感动。我们一共筹集到了5236只纸鹤!再次的感谢大家, 感恩~ 当天RazorTv 也有前来采访。 10月29日,星期五, 中午12点左右,我们到了机场迎接超级新人田馥甄的到来。 下午6点钟左右,我们到了酒店参与媒体记者会,准备把大家的卡片以及纸鹤交给Hebe. 之后再到新加坡室内体育馆参加新加坡金曲奖的颁奖典礼。恭喜S.H.E一共获得了5项大奖,成为当晚的大赢家! 10月30日,星期六,Hebe田馥甄乘搭了中午的班机, 把我们大家满满的爱与祝福带回台北,转交给我们的公主Selina. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 各大媒体的报道 Hebe星國領獎 歌迷紙鶴寄Selina 粉絲5千隻紙鶴祈福...
F&N Seasons Positivity Starts With Me! Blog Challenge If you know me well, you should know that my friends and...