IT show ended last Sunday and guess what, I’m at the IT show for 3 consecutive day!
Friday, right after work, rushed down to the IT SHOW with my mum and collect as many brochures as possible. Check out the latest technology and offers they have and freebies they provide. Went back home, compared the various prices, specs and freebies before heading down to the IT Show again on the next day which is Saturday.
Finally bought my laptop and bargain for a few freebies from the vendor. You really need to do price comparison carefully as it really helps! HP is selling the same laptop with the same specs at $1999 with only 3 freebies, mostly on warranty and customer care services, while Compaq ( under the same company as HP ) is selling the same specs at $1600 with lots more freebies ! So obviously, i purchased my laptop from the Compaq vendor!
Went back on the last day of the IT Show for more great bargains. Bought a router for my wireless connection at home, a wireless mouse, a laptop bag and Toshiba hard disk.
Look at the crowd on the last day! Its extremely packed!
Wireless mouse selling at $29 whereby retail price at $49.90!
Toshiba 250GB External hard disk selling for $83 (free pouch)
So in total i spent $1800 from this IT Show..
How about you ?