oo... just to notice that i've not blog for a few days haha.. so back here to do some update ...
oo... just to notice that i've not blog for a few days haha.. so back here to do some update ...
haha.. uploading those pic we took during the bbq session which is like last month haha and the bau kut ...
went for my injection today.. met up with dia and fei... din had lunch as they just had their late ...
Alright time to do abit of updating ya haha went for my course since tuesday.. not bad actually alot of ...
haiz.. having a mixed feeling now.. frustrated, pissed, depress and sianz... Frustrated and pissed with stuff happening in camp.. things ...
S.H.E新碟中有首新歌名為《中國話》,惹來臺灣網友質疑,認為S.H.E有吹捧大內地之嫌,同時還有來自內地的網友,支持S.H.E有愛中國之心,但也有人狠批三人是為了內地這個大市場,看在錢的份上才有如此舉動。 昨日(5月2日)S.H.E所屬的唱片公司華研唱片,舉行記者會澄清此事。身為華妍企劃統籌兼《中國話》填詞人之一的施人誠強調,寫這首歌,出發點在於提供娛樂效果,對於歌曲傳播所引發的負面影響,無法控制和負責。那麼,S.H.E選用這首歌是否要討好內地歌迷?施人誠坦言,這首歌是在歌頌語言和文化,與政治沒有任問關係。 Haiz.. recently S.H.E New songs was been reported and criticized for being making good favour with the china ...