潘玮柏《玩酷》狮城 之 娱乐跟屁虫 敬请期待!
haha... i'm so happy during these trip although i miss out on his NTU concert.. editing in progress.. stay tune~!...
haha... i'm so happy during these trip although i miss out on his NTU concert.. editing in progress.. stay tune~!...
hello my frenz~! i'm back in the cyber world again lol~! my internet connection is up at last.. wooo.. not...
yoohoo.. surprise? haha ... i'm using my camp's com to do a minor update here... Wilber pan wei bo will...
hahaha.. finally i've managed to sign up the singtel 3mbps broadband plan today.. and my ipod touch is waiting for...
woo.. today was so busy for me.. i've never been so busy when i'm doing my duty clerk duties.. today...