祝大家新年快乐!Happy 2009!
Presents for my colleague On xmas eve, it was raining cats and dogs in the morning, therefore i've decided to...
On Friday (19/12), claimed my half day pm off and went over to the indoor stadium to help out in...
ok.. due to my busy schedule recently, i promised to updates asap.. lots of events and stuff to update. haha.....
Woo.. finally at last.... it's been months since i last went bugis street and yup, i finally went today. was...
圣诞即将来临,大家是否已经准备好改穿些什么呢? 今年秋冬流行的必备服饰当然就是格子纹路啦。想必大家应该都有发觉到吧。那就让达人来为大家介绍如何搭配出及时尚又有个性的格纹风吧! 想跟得上潮流, 格子纹准没错! 好啦。。是时候该去逛逛买些新衣服啦!