A nice song to recommend… …
Been listening to Kenji's 吴克群 latest album 《为你写诗》recently.. not a bad album to me, and as usual he's able to...
Been listening to Kenji's 吴克群 latest album 《为你写诗》recently.. not a bad album to me, and as usual he's able to...
Woo.. went back to camp today after a long holiday for myself.. alot of stuff to be done and i...
Wooohooo~ Just got back from a short holiday at batam yesterday. The weather there was freaking hot but overall, it's...
大家期待已久的达人台湾之旅终于要登场咯~! 注意:由于太多图片以及影片,建议大家先让本页把所有图片以及影片显示完毕后再来阅读,这样会比较好哦~ 由于图片有中文解说,所以本篇文章会以英文为主。 Note: Due to the large quantity of photos and videos clips, i suggest you to let the...
Hello to all my frenz and readers, I'm BACK from Taiwan !!! missin me during this period of time ?...