New Year Lunch at TONKICHI
My very first meal of the brand new year was spent with my army buddies at Tonkichi japanese restaurant located...
My very first meal of the brand new year was spent with my army buddies at Tonkichi japanese restaurant located...
《Love! 田馥甄To Hebe》巡回音乐会新加坡站 一票难求 唱片公司铁定同天加下午场! 超级新人田馥甄“单飞”不寂寞 唱片、代言、商演成绩斐然 「超级新人」Hebe田馥甄即将在1月15日于新加坡圣淘沙云顶世界的节庆剧场举行的《Love!田馥甄To Hebe音乐会》,开票仅仅2天便完全销售一空,一票难求!许多歌迷纷纷致电要求加场,为了让更多的歌迷能大饱耳福,主办单位在日前铁定在同一天中午2点加场! 《Love!田馥甄To Hebe音乐会》第二场音乐会的门票将在1月7日全岛开始正式公开发售!门票分$138、$88(还未包括SISTIC费用),SISTIC订票热线6348 5555或上网 那些之前未买到门票的歌迷们若不马上行动,恐怕门票一推出又要失望了! 超级新人势不可挡 吸金又吸晴 Hebe田馥甄自去年 9月份发行了个人首张专辑《To Hebe》一发片气势如虹,“单飞”的表现相当抢眼!不仅个人专辑获得业界极佳口碑,实体方面更是热卖到直冲天后级销量!她在各地区销售成绩就写下不少纪 录,在各大榜单、唱片行、网路都获得广大回响!近期,她更首次以个人姿态风光入围内地“年度最佳专辑”、“年度最受欢迎女歌手”、“年度最佳女歌手”等奖...
Hopefully its not too late for me to blog about my countdown celebration now. haha. On the last day of...
On new year's eve, we went for our company nye lunch at the Mouth Restaurant 地茂馆 which i think they...
*HAPPY NEW Year Everyone! this is my first post for the year of 2011 and im dedicating it to my...
2010 is coming to an end in a few hours time and soon, we'll be welcoming 2011~! and i guess...