Uncover the magic behind Walt Disney Animation Studios’ most beloved animated movies at Disney: Magic of Animation, opening at ArtScience...
Read moreDetailsAs part of its commitment to refresh its landmark permanent exhibition, ArtScience Museum will be introducing a new themed gallery...
Read moreDetailsStroll into the "Giant Revolving Lantern" (巨型走马灯) at Gardens by the Bay this Mid-Autumn! Visitors can enjoy an immersive experience...
Read moreDetailsSweep the clouds away with sunny days ahead with the world’s first Sesame Street Run Tour making its stop in...
Read moreDetails“Taking things up a notch this year, shoppers can also engage with animated characters in an augmented reality hunt when...
Read moreDetailsFrom 6 August to 8 September, The Walt Disney Company Singapore and Frasers Property Singapore are inviting shoppers to explore...
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