Sparks, by DBS, is an industry-first mini-series that follows a group of young bankers as they navigate work and personal lives. Inspired by true stories, they challenge the status quo to go above and beyond when solving unusual client challenges.
Through this mini-series, DBS hopes to convey the true meaning of banking and to challenge the perception that banking is only about transactions. This reflects the bank’s commitment to understand what matters in life and integrate banking seamlessly with everyday living. DBS believes in going the extra mile for customers so that they can achieve their dreams and get more out of life. To make things happen, while leaving them with time and space to do what matters the most.
Since launching in February 2016, Sparks Episodes 1-5 and their trailers have altogether garnered more than 42 million views and over 1.7 million digital engagements across the region.
The latest episode was launched on 16 June 2017 and you may watch all episodes on