At last, finally managed to squeeze sometime out to sort and edit the images taken at our christmas party.We had lots of fun that night, with food, games and prizes! We hoped, YOU, our members enjoyed yourself too!
Our party was held at GlassRoom Cafe located at SMU. It’s really a great place to chill out at and a great venue for holding a mini event. 🙂
while waiting to enter the cafe… we camwhored~
Our “Special Guest” welcoming our members at the main enterance 😉
The moment we entered the cafe, we started testing out the avp system and decorating the place…
Specially designed postcards and lollipop for our members as their door gift 🙂
Our members are early.. 🙂 they reached earlier than we’ve expected 😀
Food from OrangeClove 🙂
After filling up everyone’s stomach, members are divided into different groups for our games session and at the same time, we specially edited videos was screened, filled with memories of S.H.E journey from 2001 till 2010…
The Rudolf Group
The SJC Group
The Fantastic 5 Group
The SuperHero Group
The 3GB Group
Discussion in progress with the rules and regulations of the games…
Score chart for the 5 groups.
比手画脚 in progress…
欢迎来到~ S.H.E Ambience 梦幻天堂的百万大歌星!
Prize Giving Ceremony~~~ Congratulations to everyone one of you!!;)
and we ended with a group shot together~!
S.H.E Ambience Christmas Party 成功!!!
S.H.E Ambience Christmas Party Part 2 coming soon with VIDEOS~!!! 😀