haha.. finally manage to change a new layout and i love it so much hehe.
finally i can have a customizable header of my own.. it blends well with the whole appearance.. good good.
alright, updating time =D
went woodland causeway point with my mum and aunt..
they went Echo to look for new year clothings as the clothings there quite suitable for them.. and luckily the managed to buy some stuff back haha.
bought a cake from bengawan solo and lunch at Cavana..
i ordered the sambal cutlets with rice.. not bad quite nice and spicy =D..
after lunch, we headed back to amk..
celebrated an advanced birthday for my mum as her birthday falls on the 23th, this coming wed =)
hehe.. find my mum so cute hahha.. wishes her happy birthday and may all her dreams come true, stay young and pretty always and a good health =D..