恭喜恭喜!!!在大家踊跃的支持与投票下,S.H.E成功荣获了omy新加坡部落格大奖之“最佳海外名人红格大奖”第一名的荣衔! 在这里要非常感谢大家!谢谢你们啦~!!!!
Congrats to our beloved S.H.E for winning the “Best Overseas Celebrity Blog Award”~! Thanks for the support and votes that you guyz cast~!
alright back to my daily updates.. been helping out in the preparation of maps and items for our standby. was issued with a pager as well.. but we do hope it wouldn’t “beep” la.. hahaha..
planning for a dinner with my previous S4 and camp mates on this coming friday but due to some other event in other camps that they need to attend, we’ve postponed the dinner to either next week mon or tues..
now, i’m really afraid that we’ll be recalled back next week as i’m having the YOGA’s event on sat.. praying real hard.. bo bi ah~~~hahahaha…